Monday, July 27, 2015

Ghost II - The Son of Ghost

Ghost has been getting a makeover....first the we cut the frame and opened it up to allow for tote intake in the front:

Next, we have been modifying the drivetrain to add omni wheels.

Here is the first iteration with four wheel drive and the omni wheels in back:

The rear-steer was a bit tough to get used to, and the swing arc is probably too for tight-maneuvering among tote stacks.

So, we went back to six wheel drive with omni wheels in the corners:

Friday, July 3, 2015

T-Shirt Cannon Overview

The team has begun the process of building a T-Shirt Cannon

Here is a rendering of roughly what the cannon part is going to look like:

I have tasked the programming team to start thinking about the control system for this beast with the notes and lists below.  

This is a group design so everyone's input is welcome!


Java ?? I haven’t found a method yet that is workable

The cRio will require some extra effort on someone’s part to get up and running and programmed to perform the functions:
Drive base mobility
- arcade drive

Compressor control
- charging the air system properly

- Tilt function (like Lofty’s arm, but most likely with a spike relay and window motor)
- Revolver Indexing (air cylinder / pawl mechanism to index the barrels)
- Firing Mechanism - 12 or 24V solenoid fired with a spike relay
- Safety Mechanism (secondary switch to prevent firing when not wanted)

Bling / Lights
- do we want lights?? Neo Pixel status lights perhaps??
   - charging
   - ready to fire
   - safety off
   - FIRE!!  
   - suggestions???

- Assumption: Classmate, 1 Joy Stick, 1 Custom firing box
- Lightweight drivers station setup that can easily be transported to events
- Good opportunity to use the (appropriatly named) Launchpad ( for a firing control box

We welcome any and all constructive feedback!!